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David's Sinclair Method Success Story: From AA to Freedom from Alcohol with Naltrexone sinclair method success stories Feb 10, 2024

David, a gregarious soul with a twinkle in his eye, knew the pain of battling alcohol addiction....

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Sinclair Method Success Rate: A Summary the sinclair method Feb 01, 2024

For anyone struggling with alcohol use disorder (AUD), the search for an effective treatment can...

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#1 Reason Why The Sinclair Method Fails the sinclair method Jan 31, 2024

Today, I'm diving into a topic that's close to my heart and crucial for anyone considering or...

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Early Signs The Sinclair Method Is Working the sinclair method Jan 11, 2024

A while back I did a poll to ask people about their experience with the Sinclair Method –...

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3 Secrets to Success With The Sinclair Method the sinclair method Nov 03, 2023

To be honest – it's hard to convey the secrets to success with the Sinclair...

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Do I miss drinking alcohol? sinclair method success stories Oct 19, 2023

I recently took a trip to France (my husband's home country) to visit his family and...

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Sinclair Method Success Story sinclair method success stories Sep 04, 2023

I always love to share Sinclair Method testimonials because they can really inspire and encourage...

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How Much Does The Sinclair Method Cost? the sinclair method Aug 31, 2023

The Sinclair Method (TSM) is a revolutionary approach for treating alcohol use disorder,...

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Will I Drink More Alcohol On Naltrexone Following The Sinclair Method? the sinclair method Aug 25, 2023

It’s a common question among those considering using naltrexone to cut back on their...

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Extinction Is Just the Beginning the sinclair method Jun 20, 2023

Recently I was chatting with Karen and she said something so simple that I found to be...

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Alcohol Use Disorder is NOT Your Fault the sinclair method May 15, 2023

If you're anything like me, maybe you know from personal experience the level of shame, guilt and...

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Is The Sinclair Method a Legitimate Treatment for Alcohol Addiction? the sinclair method May 12, 2023

Oftentimes when people learn about naltrexone – the medication used in the Sinclair...

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Does Naltrexone Prevent Alcohol Withdrawal? naltrexone May 09, 2023

Many people want to know if naltrexone can help prevent alcohol withdrawal, and the answer to...

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A "Rocky Road" to Extinction: Sinclair Method Success Story sinclair method success stories May 08, 2023

We received permission by this individual to share his success story with The Sinclair...

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Where Can I Get The Sinclair Method for Alcohol Addiction? the sinclair method May 04, 2023


You've learned about the neuroscience-based treatment protocol for alcohol...

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“If I Still Want to Get Drunk, I Can ‘Drink Through’ the Naltrexone” naltrexone May 01, 2023

I remember using this phrase when I was explaining how naltrexone works to a friend of mine.


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3 Quick Tips for Creating New Coping Tools Apr 28, 2023

One of the hardest parts of changing my relationship with alcohol was breaking the link...

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What Is the Alcohol Deprivation Effect? the sinclair method Apr 27, 2023

The alcohol deprivation effect refers to the phenomenon where an individual who has been deprived...

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Willpower or The Sinclair Method: Powerful Sinclair Method Testimony sinclair method success stories Apr 20, 2023

Recently I received this message from somebody who used the Sinclair Method (TSM) to...

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How Does The Sinclair Method Work? the sinclair method Apr 20, 2023

The Sinclair Method (TSM) is a medication-assisted treatment approach for alcohol addiction that...

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Can Naltrexone Help With Marijuana Use Disorder? naltrexone Apr 05, 2023

In this week's article I'll be talking about naltrexone's effect on cannabis or...

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What Is Pharmacological Extinction of Alcohol Use Disorder? the sinclair method Mar 24, 2023

Alcohol addiction is a complex condition that affects millions worldwide, with traditional...

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Naltrexone & The Sinclair Method Are Not Working the sinclair method Mar 16, 2023

If you're using The Sinclair Method (TSM), have you ever been in a place where you feel like "TSM...

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