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How I Reduced My Alcohol Use at Home Using a Decades-Old Treatment Nobody is Talking About

success stories tsm Mar 03, 2025
reduce drinking at home

Reducing alcohol use at home can be a powerful and empowering step toward improving your health, well-being, and overall quality of life. Yet if you're like me and you've tried this before, you might be feeling frustrated that despite your good intentions, it doesn't work.

In this article, I wanted to share the strategy that finally did work for me. I found a treatment that targets the root cause of alcohol cravings and has been proven for over 30 years to help people reduce their drinking without quitting. This approach uses a medication called naltrexone and a specific method to support habit change. I'll share my experience and how it helped me take back control of my drinking habits at home.

My Drinking Before I Found This Decades-Old Treatment

Before I discovered this treatment – commonly known as the Sinclair Method (TSM) – I was a daily drinker for about 10 years. A typical day would see me racing home at 5 o’clock after work to open a bottle of wine—sometimes before I even had my purse off my shoulder. I would keep drinking all night until I passed out, and I did this seven days a week. On the weekends, I would start day drinking around 11 a.m. and continue all day long.

I had tried to cut back on my drinking for years. I set intentions to have just two drinks, but by the time I finished the second, it was so easy to justify a third, a fourth, and so on. I also tried to plan alcohol-free days, but by the time evening rolled around, I found myself justifying a drink. I felt like I couldn’t enjoy anything unless alcohol was involved. It was a cycle I couldn’t break, no matter how much I wanted to.

Discovering the Sinclair Method

In 2017, I stumbled upon a treatment called The Sinclair Method (TSM) while searching for effective solutions to cut back on my drinking at home. TSM is a method that uses a medication called naltrexone to reduce alcohol cravings by blocking the brain’s reward response to drinking. This method is based on the science of extinction, which helps the brain unlearn the habit of drinking as a reward. Despite being around for over 30 years, not many people know about it.

I had tried everything—mindful drinking, changing habits, distracting myself, understanding triggers, trying moderation strategies—but none of it helped. I felt an insatiable craving for alcohol, which I now understand as the alcohol deprivation effect, where the brain goes into deprivation mode and craves alcohol even more when it’s not available.

It took me a couple of months to get a prescription for naltrexone, the medication used in TSM. At the time, it wasn’t as widely accessible as it is now. I found a doctor who understood the treatment and was able to prescribe it to me through telemedicine. From the very first week, I noticed a difference. I had an alcohol-free day that wasn’t entirely uncomfortable, which was a huge milestone for me.

How I Reduced My Drinking from Home

One of the things I loved about TSM was how discreet it was. I didn't have to tell anyone I was on this treatment unless I wanted to. When I began TSM, I got my prescription for naltrexone from an online doctor. (If you join Thrive, we can provide a referral to a doctor who can help you with this.) I started logging my drinks and noticed that, over time, I could drink more mindfully because my cravings became less and less. I also started having more alcohol-free days because I was genuinely thinking about alcohol less—and I didn’t feel like drinking.

I began to track my drinking in a journal. I noted how much I drank and rated my craving levels to see if I truly wanted another drink. The most incredible change was that I started to drink more slowly. Before TSM, I would consume a lot of alcohol in a short time, but after a few months on the treatment, I found myself sipping and savoring a glass of wine rather than chugging it.

About a month into the treatment, I consistently saw myself drinking more slowly, having a few alcohol-free days, and thinking about alcohol less. It wasn’t a dramatic overnight change, but it was enough for me to know something was different. I started to feel like I was regaining control over alcohol—an empowering and incredible feeling.

Life After the Sinclair Method

My life has transformed because of TSM. I used to want alcohol to be part of every event, and I often drank alone. In fact, drinking at home by myself was my favorite way to drink. When I was by myself, nobody was there to judge me or notice how much I was drinking. But through this treatment, drinking home alone gradually became unappealing. I preferred to drink socially and didn’t really get any benefit from drinking alone anymore. This was a huge milestone for me. Now, alcohol feels like an accessory, something I might enjoy occasionally, but it’s no longer a priority. I find joy in alcohol-free days and genuinely enjoy life without needing alcohol to make it better.

I also learned to break old habits and develop new coping mechanisms. Since I was no longer constantly craving alcohol, I found it easier to explore other hobbies and activities that didn’t revolve around drinking. The mental freedom was astonishing—my mind felt open and expansive, and I began to rediscover the simple joys of life.

How Thrive Can Help You Change Your Drinking Habits at Home

If you’re interested in exploring The Sinclair Method from home, Thrive offers a private, comprehensive program designed to help you change your relationship with alcohol. The treatment involves taking naltrexone before drinking, which can be obtained through an online doctor and used privately and virtually. Thrive provides:

  • Daily Support: Access to peer and coaching support whenever you need it.

  • Guidance Through The Sinclair Method: Thrive specializes in guiding members through TSM, a treatment that uses naltrexone to reduce cravings and support habit change.

  • Flexible and Private Approach: Everything is home-based, allowing you to make progress at your own pace without pressure to quit drinking.

Learn more about Thrive’s approach and how it can support your goals at


For me, TSM was the only treatment that addressed the root cause of my cravings. It wasn’t just about taking a pill but about breaking habits, building new ones, and truly changing my relationship with alcohol. Reducing alcohol use at home is possible with the right support, and I’m grateful to now live a life where alcohol is no longer in control.

Medical Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not replace medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making medication decisions.

Your Private, At-Home Program for Alcohol Reduction

Thrive helps you take control of alcohol through naltrexone and the Sinclair Method, combining neuroscience and behavior change to transform your drinking habits for good.

The Sinclair Method

A neuroscience-backed treatment using naltrexone, proven to help most people reduce their drinking.

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Access resources to learn about naltrexone and the Sinclair Method, a proven approach to reduce drinking.

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